Cheeeese Grommit!
The Opii Family Cheese Rating Scale
Ratings based on a 1-10 with 10 being perfection! Think of it this way, 1 is equal to cheese whiz from a can, while 10 makes one dizzy with euphoric glee! We hope to do this more now that we have found a true affinage (cheese finishing shop) in Madrid. In total they have about 100+ cheeses from around the world and a staff that knows them. Check them out online at:
Below is our first attempt at tasting notes for cheese! When you see a (G) or a (R) it stands for Ryan or Gab whose opinion was unique.
Three Spanish Cheeses:
ES- Framatge Garraxta
Hard whitish mold rind, interior a millimeter of tan fading to a light cream, medium hardness, light pungency with a fruit characteristic and raw crème. Creamy in the mouth with tackiness that coats the mouth. Slight sweetness. Rich caramelized flavor. (G) Thinks a light peppery while Ryan doesn't. Slight tanginess at the end.
Taramundi - Vaca Cruda
Ashen rind has a soft grayish mold similar to an Aspen bark. One half a mil. of dark tan gray thick rind and hard, quickly moving into one millimeter of dark crème color and ending with a bright white. Tangy and fruity aroma. Waxy, soft and buttery feeling in the mouth. Sweet tangy start with strong acidity and a salty backbone. Strong peppery quality (G), Light pepper quality (R)
ES- Sierra De Cazorla Tomillo
Outside is coated in Thyme with a white and forest green coating. A thin but hard rind. The width of the rind is quite small with a brilliant white interior. Smells incredible like thyme and the musky raw earth of a lush forest floor. Decaying leaves and rich loam. Crumbly dry with a delicate softness. Tangy flavor of strong acid with a touch of peppery olive oil. Slight grapefruit flavor from the acidity on the finish.
Guys, Just curious, did you enjoy a beverage with the cheeses? If so, what were they and what went with what? Also, what kind of animal "sourced" the milk? What is the butterfat content? How long was the cheese aged? How long did the cheese sit at room temperature before comsumption?
Based on your evocative descriptions, I think I would enjoy the Framatge Garraxta.
BTW, Ryan, my speech on the power of cheese was well-received. I enjoyed doing the research, as well.
3/21/2005 04:56:00 PM
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