brain farts...flotsam...driftwood...and meanderings on hedonistic endevours

Thursday, February 24, 2005

First meeting

So for all of you waiting for a sign about my job situation here is the first. So I met with a friend of a friend, who happens to own a very nice piece of property in the Duoro valley today. For most of his life he has worked the beverage industry from Pernod-Ricard, to Johnnie Walker and much more. Currently he and his son, who happens to be a famous wine maker in the region(or at least soon to be famous), are working to produce a hig quality table wine. So far 3 vintages into it they have had some sucess and are already gaining noteriety. I met with him to discuss the possibility of exporting a small portion to the USA, and to taste his 2 most recent vintages. i will post notes on them when I have more time, but in the end I found them both to be exciting new wines, that would be a wonderful complement to many a resturants menu back home. He also at this property or Quinta, has undertaken creating a "resort" of sorts to rent out for people coming to visit the Douro region. All I have to say is WOW! Not cheap but WOW, if anyone wants to get into the high end tourism industry, just let me know. With this guys connections, and his amazing new facility we could have some fun. I'm hoping that come April me and Gab could go there for a visit, over a long weekend. We'll see what happens. Anyways, we talked and tasted for a good long while, and then he took me to what is an amazing wine shop, one to rival any in the states, in the middle of nowhere with a resturant attached! Who would of thunk! So i drooled for a while, and restrained from buying anything, and then headed to a small dump for a $5 dinner of steak, potatos, rice, vinho verde, and cafe! The wine was poured from huge wooden barrels with old fashioned spigots attached, the food wasn't bad either. Afterwhich I wakled to a bus stop, hopped a bus to the wrong place, had a long talk with some men in a cafe to find out how far I needed to walk to get back on track, walked through a bad part of town, carrying too much and now I sit typing as fast as I can to finish this before my time runs out at the Cyber cafe I'm at! Whooo....Anyways, one more night here in Porto, then on to Bragança, and back to Spain from there. Tasting notes will be posted when I return to Madrid in about a week. till soon, ryan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there. My travels took me to Portland. Wish you had been around before I wen to get a few good recommendations. My host, Ingrid, had a horrible case of the flu, so I did a lot of traveling on foot or with her friends. I only got to try the Black Butte porter (Deschuttes) and the organic Tree Hugger Stout (Laurelwood - local brew pub). Good, but not great. I'm in the mood for a spicy stout or porter. Any recommendations? :) I'm also still on my hunt for an Eagle Rare 17 yr..rumor has it they only export it. Keep your eyes open. Love ya, babe.

2/25/2005 04:49:00 AM


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