brain farts...flotsam...driftwood...and meanderings on hedonistic endevours

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

1886 Port

Not sure on the exact name, though it's a second bottling of sorts from the old owner of Quinta of Noval. Tawny in hue, with faded rim. The nose is lacking all fruit, though has a musty carmel/ toffee quality, somewhat like an old basement. Body is medium with a sharp acid and creamy sweetness, how they both got in there I do not know. Flavors of rich carmel, baked creme brulee, and light alcohol. It had been open for awhile before I arrived, and some say this would not show the same, but my hosts both agreed it was very true to when they opened it. Very similar to the 1879 Noval I had 2 years ago. Amazing by itself, no, drunk in the home of the guy who blended it, amazing. Who know's whats to come in the next day.

As far as tasting in the next day I think I'll be heading up to the Northern region of portugal and North western region of Spain, I thought I was headed somewhere else but I got a free ride so I figure why not! Should taste some good albariƱo and who know's what else. Will keep you updated!


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