7/29/04 dribbles
Another long day at the wine sale, though it was good. Someday's you just feel like you got it right. Lot's of happy customers unlike yesterday...Tonight went for a bike ride, felt good though I should bike more often, it was a beautiful night and perfect temperatures. Came home made a kickass salad, and am currently listening to the Dem Nat Convention, not sure what to think. I'm definatley in the ABB camp but sometimes the scripted nature of the images presented make you wonder where the passion is? Will Kerry be great? I don't know but I feel like at the very least he will weigh his options and question things that come to him from intelligence sources. You may like Bush's Charisma, and his easy way with people but it becomes really difficult for a person to make an arguement recently that he is intelligent. Why is it that our country is willing to settle for someone with charisma but the IQ of a dead rock? Does anyone else out there question the polls? How can Bush be still so strong in so many places? Is it that some zealous republicans are willing to cut off their nose to spite their faces? These people can't all be this ignorant, can they? Well at least I'm drinking good beer,Mojo IPA, Not bad beer seek it out, if your a hop head that is. The salad by the way was Red lettuce, mushrooms, tomato's, and a bacon vinegrette with shallot, garlic, homemade red wine vinegar...oh and crisp tortilla chips...Let me know if you want a recipe I think I can pull it out of my head...later