brain farts...flotsam...driftwood...and meanderings on hedonistic endevours

Monday, May 23, 2005

a bit rough for now

but we are slowly getting it better...check out our new location:

Monday, May 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by obiscoito.

So ever had a goose neck barnacle? They are very hard to harvest and infact come with a piece of the rock that they were attched to. To cook, boil for 5 minutes or so in lightly salted water. Then hot or cold you snap off the pointy part and pull out a small thin piece of meat. The flavor is of salt air with a light sweetness and tender flesh. They take awhile to eat and squirt juice all over as you snap them apart. But boy are they good! Oh not to mention expensive, and to think you're paying for the rock too!

Calle Berenjena

Originally uploaded by obiscoito.

I love eggplant. And I really like streets named after them. This street is about a half a block long and I don't think there is one address on it. Pitty really, how great to be able to say I live on the Egglant Street!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Fenavin Expositores 2001

Fenavin Expositores 2001 a
Originally uploaded by obiscoito.

The main hall at the FENAVIN exhibition. Quite big as you can see and lots and lots of wine to taste.

Some tasting notes

So yesterday I spent all day at FENAVIN the biggest trade show in Spain for all wine from all regions. Bigger than anything I've ever seen before and the chance to try what was to be over 1000 wines. With spitting as a strict rule I was able to make a small dent with about 70 wines passing my lips. I'll tell more soon but for now a few of my notes on some of the fun Sherries I was able to try. Enjoy, Till soon, Ryan

  • N.V. Bodegas Tradición Oloroso Tradition - Spain, Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera (5/11/2005)
    Lightly muddy gold w/clear rim. Oxidized nose with wood and a musty earthiness. Rich in the mouth w/carmel, toffee, coffee, and oxidized wood aromas. While overall dry it is heavey in the mouth and lingers for quite awhile on the finish. c5a12t18o8 (92 pts.)

  • N.V. Bodegas Tradición Amontillado Tradición - Spain, Jerez, Jerez de la Frontera (5/11/2005)
    Cloudy light golden-brown. Toffee nose with slated hazelnuts and faint dried fruits. Austere, salty, with a strong acid component. Muskmelon jumps out as primary flavor on the palate. c4a14t16o7 (91 pts.)

  • N.V. Bodegas Navarro Fino Solera Fundación 1830 - Spain, Jerez, Montilla Moriles (5/11/2005)
    Plae gold. Slightly oxidized on the nose with a flesh fruit character to it. med weight with a creamy nut quality. Overall dry with a salt, melon and white grape showing in the palate. c5a11t15o6 (87 pts.)

  • N.V. Perez Barquero Gran Barquero Fino - Spain, Jerez, Montilla Moriles (5/11/2005)
    Pale clear. Soft oak nose with light melon. Austere with dry salt air and a pleasant play between the wood and the acidity. c5a10t15o6 (86 pts.)

  • N.V. Bodegas Robles Piedra Luenga Fino Ecologico - Spain, Jerez (5/11/2005)
    Pale clear. Nose of light salt air and melon. Light ot med body with a light salty melon character and notes of almond and hazelnut. c5a10t14o6 (85 pts.)

Posted from CellarTracker!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

DO Avila Steak

Originally uploaded by obiscoito.

A special black cow is raised in this DO. Avila produces a lot of meat and this was one of the finset steaks I´ve ever had. Basically a bone on ribeye! MMMMMMMMM......