brain farts...flotsam...driftwood...and meanderings on hedonistic endevours

Monday, August 23, 2004

Monday Drive


So I made it. I’m now sitting at my campground grilling a steak and thinking back on the long drive. Got up and out early to get a cup of joe, had some yogurt and waited for a phone call, none, so I called some people and left messages. No answers, so I left Kalamazoo to see if I could find the new bell’s plant! Success and Gary Nichols was there a friend of Gabs. So I got the full tour, very nice plant and still adhering to the experimental ideal! Though batch 7000 is not due out for quite a bit I am told. Anyways rather than wait around for a call I took off to make it to the border, a place that always makes me nervous! And boy was I in for a treat, the line was long and you guessed it as soon as I got past the point of no return my bladder tapped me on my shoulder and made an announcement, “your coffee is ready” Ugh…Forever later sweating like a dog holding myself, I made it to the questions, which were not bad. But, they asked if I would meet on my journeys anyone I hadn’t met yet, and I said “yes”, RED FLAG! So off to the search point, everything was going soooo peachy now, and guess what, “No you may not use the bathroom until we complete our inspection! So there I dance looking all so innocent, sweating and with cotton mouth, I was dehydrated avoiding all liquids while in line. (mmm steak sandwich good!) So after what was a bit, they sent me to another gentleman inside who had more questions and also wanted to see the car. Mostly they seemed confused that I was camping in Oakville, though I had a printout of my reservations, and that I brought my wife’s car and not my wife? Finally the stamp came out allowing me to enter, begrugdingly, and I was off to raise the levels of the great lakes a notch or too. After which I opted to drive and drive, wanting to get to camp so I could have a beer and depress a bit. Surprisingly this point of the journey was without mishap other than my realization that no country actually uses the road signs that they collectively pay for. Speeding is the norm the goal is to learn how much you can get away with and it seems the conversion to KM’s from miles takes this into account. The camp is isolated though I do have a faint road nose to the right, and found that the geese are from Canada after all though there rendition of the National anthem does leave something to be desired. Found a Grocery, bought a steak found “The Beer Store” and bought a 6’er of beer, and talked to the guy I’m to meet tomorrow @ 4:00, seems nice, can’t wait. So Tonight I think I’ll have a cigar, a couple of beers, maybe even a spot of bourbon and call it a day….By the way the new tent is awesome, and Dad the stove does work, so I can have oatmeal in the morning. I’ll try to upload some pictures too when I find a place to upload this. Surprisingly the campground does not seem to be wired for Wi-Fi. Silly Canadians!


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